Temperary home of- SnowyWhite/soon to become Your fairy dogmother doodles after my training sight

Getting ready for your puppy

Things to buy-

A crate,maybe 2 - I like the colapsable metal ones- a good size for most puppies is 24x36x26- Sometimes when the puppy is younger a smaller one closer to your bed room may allow you to get a bit more sleep- Most young puppies tend to den better in darker spaces.

I recomend towels and flanellete sheets for crates - they are very washable and absorbant- Wait until your puppy is older before purchasing a stuffed bed- Don't put stuffed material in the crate as puppy may chew it .

a good brush and comb- a slicker brush is good for you but if you have younger children I recomend for them a brush with tips on the end as brushing should be a pleasent experiance .Slicker brushes can be quit sharp-

Staniless steal dishes for water  and food

Coller/leash - I recomend additional leashes- 4, 6 feet and also a 30 ft long line -this is extremely helpful  methods  will be used at pickup

assorted chew toys they can't break as in kongs -Balls are great as well -supervised toys and interacting ones like Tuggies and stuffies.

Shampoos- extra bottle-mix the soap about 1/4 to 3/4 water easier to get into the coat and far easier to rince it out.

Dog food

What should you feed your dog : 

Personally I recomend a raw whole food diet-If you eat a whole food diet than your dog eats what you do- Dogs need more protien .

Puppies in my house will chew on carrots/ apples/kale stems-all of it is good for their health as well as their teeth and jaws.

Puppies like children need more calcium-.The internet if full of sites dedicated to feeding a whole food diet- Below is the list I send home with my puppy families if you would like to discuss this in more detail please include that in your contact info-

I also highly recomend a probiotic suppliment for your dog- This is important in a whole food diet - but it is more important if you are feeding kibble  to your dog they need the live probotics and digestive enzymes.

I rate dog food like this raw food/home made dog food .next would be commercially prepared raw food- always look for human grade and if possible hormone/antibiotic  free- organic is always best - dehydrated raw - after that canned would be my next choose-avoid grains purchase canned that is balanced with plenty of human  grade protein - lastly kibble of any kind- Kibble is dry food it is baked and processed then all of the minerals and vitamins are  reintroduced synthetically .It is small enough that the dog doesn't get to chew and doesn't produce saliva important for cleaning and flushing our mouths. Tarter is an extremely large problem these days with all of us-If you are not convinced and still must feed kibble then be very careful what you are feeding and how much water your dogs get,always rotate your feeding and there is value in addition of bone broth ,probiotics and Omega oils, green and yellow veggies- the more living food you add the healthier you dog will be

There are many kibble on the market and some are definately better than others- Again sites on the net will rate your dog food- If it has corn or soy if it has canola in it - it is proabably GMO product meaning your dog is a guinie pig- Many dogs develope dietary issues from the glutin in wheat -so choising grain free if possible or organic is a better choise - kibble with a rating of at least 4 or over -



Things to keep in mind now before puppy comes home.
Where will puppy sleep. It is a very important step and one you should consider now.

All puppies coming into my house learn where they sleep first.
be consistent, every time. everybody. Set down rules now.
Discuss them and stick to them. If your dog thinks he can get away with something 1 time out of 100 he will keep trying.

Puppy proof your home. hanging electrical cords, toxic plants,table cloths that hang over, get down to a puppies level to evaluate this. Where is puppy allowed ? I strongly recommend that your children know the rules as well as the puppy.
If you have children talk to them now about how to act around a puppy. There are many good books that you can buy and are at a child's level so can help you teach your child about dogs . Children and puppies need to be supervised when they are together that is how we stop unwanted behavior from both. Children must also learn how to stop unwanted behavior. High pitched noises and squealing , running will only excite the pup and encourage unwanted behavior. When there is to much excitement stop all play and return puppy to his space. time out is good for all.

 Puppy will push the limits until he understands where his place is. He may cry and whimper don't give in, they are master manipulators.He is at the bottom of the pack- this must be clear in his mind. Dogs need guidance discipline and leadership just like children. Don't feel bad if you must discipline your puppy, he needs to be taught right from wrong. Getting mad yelling and punishing your puppy isn't discipline. Or after the fact isn't productive and can be damaging

You need to always stay calm but when you say something mean it. At this age you just have to be firm, consistent,and repetitive, and really reward good behavior.
 Dogs understand energy not language . So yelling stomping and grabbing your puppy is going to cause fearful behavior and will not teach the puppy what you want.Body language and direct eye contact- good old stare downs and blocking  work best-  Sounds like eh er or hey even no sharp and to the point-If your dog isn't with in arms reach go to where the dog is don't yell.This is the way to stop unwanted behavior.

Coming home
When you arrive home, take the puppy to where he will go to the bathroom. Let him sniff and explore his area. try to keep your excitement in check and also the children. Let him play outside for a bit then bring him inside.Offer a drink of water  and put him in his pen. Let him settle into his new surroundings, this will take a few days. He should spend the first few days mostly in his pen.3hours 1 hour approx. Remind your children this is an infant and can get over tired very quickly. Keeping your puppy on a schedule is the most important thing you can do to keep the house training on track.Keep the area he is allowed to go fairly small to begin with. I would keep him out of the kids rooms, off expensive carpets etc-. gradually as he has proved he is trustworthy start giving him more area to explore.Remind children toys need to be picked up so as the puppy doesn't choke or chew them up-Also tell them that any chewed toy goes into the garbage as puppy has already claimed it.

 As soon as your puppy has received his second shots or when your vet says it is OK get you puppy out for walks. .It is the single best thing you can do for your dog, and yourself. Walking is a primal need for your dog..It is how dogs learn leadership. The one in front is the leader. The more you can expose a puppy to stimulants the better he will react as an older dog.
I guarantee if you follow the schedule I set you up on  then  establish one that works for you , your transition and training will be fairly smooth.

Dogs and children what ever body should know

It’s sound advice given frequently:  Supervise your dogs and kids while they are together. Breeders warn parents, “Don’t leave the dog alone with children, no matter how friendly the breed.” Veterinarians advise, “Never leave a dog and a child in the same room together.” Dog trainers explain, “All dogs can bite so supervise your dog when you have children over.”  Everyone knows the drill.  So why doesn’t it work?  Why are there an estimated 800,000 Americans seeking medical attention for dog bites each year, with over half of these injuries to children ages 5-9?

Note the good intention of the kids. Note the closed mouth and half-moon eye of the dog.  Intervene!

Note the good intentions of the kids. Note the closed mouth and half-moon eye of the dog. Intervene.

The bites are not a result of negligent parents leaving Fido to care for the baby while mom does household chores, oblivious to the needs of her children.  In fact, I’ve consulted on hundreds of dog bite cases and 95% of the time the parent was standing within 3 feet of the child watching both child and dog when the child was bitten. Parents are supervising. The problem is not lack of supervision. The problem is no one has taught parents what they should be watching.

Parents generally have not received any education on what constitutes good dog body language and what constitutes an emergency between the dog and the child.  Parents generally have no understanding of the predictable series of canine body cues that would indicate a dog might bite.  And complicating matters further, most parents get confused by the good intentions of the child and fail to see when a dog is exhibiting signs of stress. The good new is all of this is easy to learn! We can all get better at this.

Here is a simple list to help you improve your supervision skills:

  • Watch for loose canine body language. Good dog body language is loose, relaxed, and wiggly.  Look for curves in your dog’s body when he is around a child.  Stiffening and freezing in a dog are not good. If you see your dog tighten his body, or if he moves from panting to holding his breath (he stops panting), you should intervene.  These are early signs that your dog is not comfortable.
  • Watch for inappropriate human behavior. Intervene if your child climbs on or attempts to ride your dog. Intervene if your child pulls the ears, yanks the tail, lifts the jowls or otherwise pokes and prods the dog. Don’t marvel that your dog has the patience of Job if he is willing to tolerate these antics. And please don’t videotape it for YouTube! Be thankful your dog has good bite inhibition and intervene before it’s too late.
  • Watch for these three really easy to see stress signals in your dog.  All of them indicate you should intervene and separate the child and dog:
    • Yawning outside the context of waking up
    • Half-moon eye – this means you can see the whites of your outer edges of your dog’s eyes.
    • Lip licking outside the context of eating food
  • Watch for avoidance behaviors. If your dog moves away from a child, intervene to prevent the child from following the dog.  A dog that chooses to move away is making a great choice.  He’s saying, “I don’t really want to be bothered, so I’ll go away.”  However, when you fail to support his great choice and allow your child to continue to follow him, it’s likely the dog’s next choice will be, “Since I can’t get away, I’ll growl or snap at this kid to get the child to move away.”  Please don’t cause your dog to make that choice.
  • Listen for growling. I can’t believe how many times I’ve heard parents say, “Oh, he growled all the time but we never thought he would bite.”  Dog behavior, including aggression, is on a continuum. For dogs, growling is an early warning sign of aggression. Heed it.  If growling doesn’t work, the dog may escalate to snapping or biting. Growling is a clue that you should intervene between the dog and the child.

To pet owners, particularly those who also have children, thank you for supervising your dog! As a dog trainer and mother of two, I know that juggling kids and dogs is no easy feat.  It takes patience, understanding, and a great deal of supervision. I hope these tips will help you get better at supervising.

Food For Thought

A Pet’s Ten Commandments
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. Give me time to understand what you want of me
2. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
3. Don’t be angry with me for long, and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainments; but I have only YOU.
4. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
5. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
6. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet…I choose not to.
7. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
8. Please take care of me when I grow old. You, too, will grow old.
9. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me, please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
10. Let my last memory be of your kind face, gentle voice and of your loving arms holding me.
Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them. Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God’s critters.
Now, please pass this on to other pet owners. We do not have to wait for Heaven to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and it has four legs!

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face…

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

– Mahatma Gandhi

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